Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Listen Up Ladies!

le IKEA desk

A wise woman once told me (Ok men, this is when you stop reading) that if you want something you've got to make your husband think that it was his idea. Barely engaged and living with my then fiance, I had no idea what these women were talking about. How do you "make" him think he came up with the idea let alone want to give someone else the credit that you well deserve? Flash forward to a few months into marriage and I began to see what all these married chicas were really talking about.

B y now, you're probably wondering what the chic IKEA desk picture is doing in this post- or maybe have already guessed? Since moving into Jake's bachelor pad many of his prized possessions ('earthquake proof' table, posters galore, old magazines, etc.) have "mysteriously" disappeared into Jake's office or the garage. I'm still working on the fake hanging plants, but you get the idea. I'm not knocking IKEA. Believe me. I believe that it has it's time and place, and you can get great deals on
some great items. I'm a teacher and therefor born bargain hunter at heart so you gotta know that I can appreciate a good deal, but it was time to let the last of it go.

So with the move on my mind I thought it was the perfect time to keep with the theme: Out with the Old, In with the New. Luckily my mom was quick to rush the rescue and offered a perfect solution. Since we are moving into a smaller townhouse Jake's l-shaped desk just couldn't "fit" into the new office space, let alone that the new layout and old desk are totally not feng shui. haha.

our new "grown up" office desk and chair

Can't wait to see how it looks in our, I mean Jake's, new office! We will post pictures as soon as we're settled, promise.

(Thanks mom! Don't worry I'm moving with my "In and Out" list)


Amy said...

When anyone compliments Mike on our decor or furniture, he'll say, "Thanks! All of my stuff is in the garage!" He knows he has bachelor-pad furniture, but luckily he has his man cave where all furniture goes to die... this is inspiring me to write a post about the man cave...

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